Mother's Day IS COMING IN
Endet Sunday, May 11, 2025 at 11:59 AM EDTMother's Day IS COMING IN
Shop early for mother's day gifts to enjoy a wider selection and a stress-free, no-rush experience.
"Mom" im lustigen Leopardenmuster, lässiges Langarm-Urlaubs-Sweatshirt

- Besonderheit: Wenn Sie unser lustiges und niedlich bedrucktes Sweatshirt für Mama tragen, werden Sie mehr Komplimente bekommen. Die Aufdrucke auf Vorder- und Rückseite sind sehr süß und interessant.
- Geschenk: Unser T-Shirt für Mama mit lustigem und flippigem Aufdruck spiegelt Ihre Identität als Kind und Mama wider und sorgt dafür, dass Sie den ganzen Tag lang toll aussehen und sich toll fühlen.
- Anlass: Von Herbst bis Winter ist unser Herbst-Sweatshirt für Mütter die perfekte Wahl für Frauen, die Wert auf Komfort legen, ohne auf Stil oder Mode zu verzichten.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact us within 12 hours for cancellation without reason
Typically your order will be made within 7-10 days. If you do not receive an update on the status of your order, please contact us promptly. It may be because the customization information needs to be confirmed however the email went to spam. In any case your order will be prioritized and shipped as soon as we receive the additional customization information.
You can email us within 12 hours and we will fix the info for you.
Customers who contact us via email to cancel their order within 12 hours of placing the order will be offered a full refund unconditionally.
Customers who contact us within 12-24 hours of placing an order, we regret that due to the product already being in production, we are only able to offer you a 20% refund and continue with production shipment.
Any requests for order cancellation or change of information beyond 24 hours, we are sorry that we are unable to accommodate as your product has already entered the production process and is nearing completion of production.
If you have any quality issues after receiving your product, please contact us as soon as possible so we can offer a replacement or refund.
Once you place an order on our website, you are by default considered to agree to the above refund policy.